Donnerstag, 22. September 2005

Oil prices will soar to $200 a barrel...

Hugo Chavez: "Oil prices will soar to $200 a barrel if
the US attacks Venezuela"

In a CNN interview Chavez said "if they attack us with their
battleships, with waves of intelligence officers, bombs,
marines and all of that, well, you can forget about oil."

Chavez, has charged the United States with drafting a
plan to attack Venezuela but he says that any such
invasion would leave Venezuela and the Americans
without oil.

"The barrel could reach $200 from one day to the other ...
the US government can forget about the 1.5 million barrels
of oil that we send every day and which contributes enough
to its development."

"We are preparing for the resistance ... terrorists who live
in the United States are planning my death," he added.

Despite the antagonism between Caracas and Washington,
Chavez on Sunday said his country will continue to send
one and a half million barrels of gasoline to the
United States to help victims of Hurricane Katrina, mostly
Afro-Americans. "Citgo" gasoline stations in
the USA owned by Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. are selling
gasoline and heating fuel at one half the
prices being charged by Chevron and similar companies
that are gouging the American people.


vorletzter prozesstag der aachen 4

weil sie die freiheit so sehr lieben..

Der vorletzte Prozesstag von Jose Fernandez Delgado, Bart de Geeter, Gabriel und Begonia Pombo da Silva fand heute in Aachen statt. Gabriel verlas eine dritte Prozesserklärung und die Plädoyers der Verteidigung wurden gehalten. Das Ureil wird am 28ten gesprochen. Die vier wurden letztes Jahr im Sommer nach einer Polizeikontrolle verhaftet, die drei Männer sitzen seitdem in Untersuchungshaft. [...]

Die Verkündung des Urteils wird am 28.September um 9:00 Uhr im Saal 339 des Landgerichtes Aachen stattfinden.
Um zahlreiches Erscheinen wird gebeten!

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